How to look your best in your headshots


If you have taken the time to schedule a professional headshot session, then it will be worth your while to also think about these few things that could make your photos look awesome. You may think that photoshop can cure a multitude of sins, and that may be partially true. However, there are some things that are particularly difficult to fix in photoshop - like a slight swelling in the upper lids, or a bad hair day. It is worth a little forethought and planning to get the best photos you can.

Get a good nights sleep. Sleep really is a beauty treatment. Everything about you looks better with a good nights sleep. You will also be in a better frame of mind which will show in your photos. So get to bed early, put on your sleep sounds and your eye mask and get your 8 hours.

Nix the alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating and will increase eye puffiness. I love my wine, but I look so much better without it. So do yourself a favor and forego the alcohol for a few days before your shoot. Replace it with lots of water and some green juice for a nice bright complexion.

Get your hair done. If you need a cut, get one. If not, get it styled. Tell your hairdresser that you are getting photos, they can help you decide the best look for your photos. Hair is probably one of the most difficult things to photoshop. So if you can’t do any of the other items from this list - splurge on a trip to the hair salon. Photographers can add eyelashes, lipstick and remove blemishes, but hair is tough to fix.

Get your makeup done. Either get a makeup artist to apply makeup for you (many photographers will supply one) or get a makeup consultation a couple of weeks ahead of your shoot. Have someone show you how to apply makeup and practice. It is not as hard you might think. Avoid too much blush and contouring and don’t forget to keep some powder on hand during the shoot. Avoid powder base as this does not photograph well. The most important items are a good natural looking foundation, well defined eyebrows and a little definition in the eyes.

Wear tailored clothes. You want an outfit that doesn’t hide your form. Avoid lots of fabric that adds bulk. Wear solid colors and colors that are flattering to your skin tone. They could be light or dark, but keep in mind the image you wish to project. Does what you are wearing fit in with the type of business you are in? Does it fit with your brand? Preferably wear newer clothes and remember they don’t need to be expensive.

Discuss what you want with your photographer. Probably the most important item on this list. Make sure you are clear about what you would like your photos to look like. Do you want a more businesslike image a glam image or a more relaxed and casual image? Make sure you and your photographer are in alignment.

Remember, the more invested you are in the outcome of your photos, the more likely you are to get photos you love.